Project-ImageIn some industries and careers, research plays an important role. Those in education or scientific fields in particular may find that they have amassed several publication credits to their name. In addition, they may have also played an instrumental role in major projects that had an impact. These are accomplishments that they should be proud of and can prove beneficial on a resume.

Why include publications on a resume?

Listing publications, whether in a peer-reviewed or scholarly journal or other professional document, can show expertise. It shows employers that you have conducted research to further not only your own knowledge, but also the industry. You have acquired in-depth knowledge in specific topics or areas that you can then bring to the role you are applying for.

Publications are a way to support your claims of a job well done. It shows that your work is recognized and valued by other professionals in the industry and holds credibility. Including articles related to the type of work you are pursuing can help to give you an edge and further build your qualifications.

How to incorporate publications

The next question is how to properly incorporate this information into your resume. Many people find that it is advantageous to create a separate section to list these documents. Start with the most current article and work back in time. The professionals at Chic Resumes recommend following APA guidelines when formatting entries so that they have a professional and recognized style.

If you have a large number of publications, consider selecting the most notable achievements, or those that are most relevant to the position. You can always furnish a more extensive list during the interview or later steps if necessary or requested. If your only real writing accomplishment to date is a thesis, this can be incorporated with your education information rather than listed separately.

Highlighting Major Projects

Projects can fall under multiple categories. For new graduates without much related work experience, a project they completed during an internship can help boost their experience. It shows that they learned and applied specific skills while training and can transfer these skills into the professional setting. These can be listed under internship experience or relevant experience.

Another case could be volunteer work. If you are very involved with an organization and engaged in a meaningful project that highlights your strengths and accomplishments, listing it could be helpful, especially as it relates to your ability to do the job you are applying for. You can elaborate on these projects and your role under the volunteer experience section.

Contract work is another area where major projects may occur. You could be working for more than one business and handling multiple assignments. It is recommended to list that this was a contract position, especially if it was short term, so that employers have a better sense of why you were working at several locations in a short time frame. Include major contributions and results of your work on these projects.

For projects that were completed as part of your position, you can include them under your work experience for that particular company. Rather than explaining in great detail, focus on specific actions and results. You can always elaborate more once you land an interview.

Projects and publications can certainly enhance the content of your resume when effectively integrated. If you are unsure about what to include or how to properly showcase it, let the professionals at Chic Resumes by Grammar Chic guide your way. We can help you determine what information to include and how to do so in a beneficial way. Contact us today by calling (803) 831-7444(803) 831-7444 or emailing to learn more about getting started.